22 Weeks of Flower Bouquet


Add on weekly flowers to your veggie box for the ultimate combination. These will be Certified Organic, fresh blooms and ever changing based on the month! 22 weeks of locally grown flowers. Breaks down to $17/week.

Pickups are Wednesdays and times are specific to your location. Locations for pickup include: Hemlock State Brewing (Edmonds/Shoreline ) Ladd and Lass Brewery (University District), Reubens Brewery (Ballard) and downtown Mount Vernon at Skagit Larder.

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Add on weekly flowers to your veggie box for the ultimate combination. These will be Certified Organic, fresh blooms and ever changing based on the month! 22 weeks of locally grown flowers. Breaks down to $17/week.

Pickups are Wednesdays and times are specific to your location. Locations for pickup include: Hemlock State Brewing (Edmonds/Shoreline ) Ladd and Lass Brewery (University District), Reubens Brewery (Ballard) and downtown Mount Vernon at Skagit Larder.

Add on weekly flowers to your veggie box for the ultimate combination. These will be Certified Organic, fresh blooms and ever changing based on the month! 22 weeks of locally grown flowers. Breaks down to $17/week.

Pickups are Wednesdays and times are specific to your location. Locations for pickup include: Hemlock State Brewing (Edmonds/Shoreline ) Ladd and Lass Brewery (University District), Reubens Brewery (Ballard) and downtown Mount Vernon at Skagit Larder.